intro: competition entry for the new town hall of tallinn, done by kosmos architects ott kadarik & mihkel tüür. full project description to follow below.
kosmose arhitektidel on saanud tavaks osaleda konkurssidel varieeruvate tiimidena ja tihti lausa kahe n-ö konkureeriva grupina. vast kõige markantsema näitena võiks siinkohal tuua hiljutise füüsika instituudi konkursi, kus kolmest parimast tööst kahe autorid olid ühed-samad kosmose arhitektid. see ehk polekski nii väga imekspandav, kui tegemist oleks kümme korda suurema bürooga. kosmose tuumik aga koosneb vaid kolmest tüübist...
nii mõnelgi korral eduka lahenduseni viinud valem esitada konkursile mitu tööd läks käiku ka tallinna uue raekoja konkursi puhul. seekord suurt edu ei järgnenud, kuid tähelepanu väärivaid ideid pakuti siiski. järgneva projekti autoriteks on ott kadarik ja mihkel tüür. tomiste töö tuleb loodetavasti millalgi hiljem.
kosmose arhitektidel on saanud tavaks osaleda konkurssidel varieeruvate tiimidena ja tihti lausa kahe n-ö konkureeriva grupina. vast kõige markantsema näitena võiks siinkohal tuua hiljutise füüsika instituudi konkursi, kus kolmest parimast tööst kahe autorid olid ühed-samad kosmose arhitektid. see ehk polekski nii väga imekspandav, kui tegemist oleks kümme korda suurema bürooga. kosmose tuumik aga koosneb vaid kolmest tüübist...
nii mõnelgi korral eduka lahenduseni viinud valem esitada konkursile mitu tööd läks käiku ka tallinna uue raekoja konkursi puhul. seekord suurt edu ei järgnenud, kuid tähelepanu väärivaid ideid pakuti siiski. järgneva projekti autoriteks on ott kadarik ja mihkel tüür. tomiste töö tuleb loodetavasti millalgi hiljem.
kõigepealt žürii hinnangust. raporti järgi jääb mulje, et projekti peamine turn-off seisnes selle suhestumises ümbritseva keskkonnaga. kavandatud raehoone üldmuljet peeti liiga müstiliseks ja introvertseks. probleemne oli ka (minu arust suhteline ja mõneti ka õigustatud) linnale suletus ning klaustrofoobne tunneli kaudu planeeritud sissepääs. fassaadi puhul heideti ette selle võõrapärasust ja liiga väikseid aknaid.
kuid mis ehk olulisem, plaanilahendusi ja majale vormi andvaid sisselõikeid peeti "kohati" headeks.
pidades silmas žürii poolt mainitud võõrapärasust, meenub üks viimase aja küllaltki kõmuline hoone hiinas, nimelt ningbo ajaloomuuseum. aga see selleks.
linnapoolne ots.
sadama kohalt.
kuid mis ehk olulisem, plaanilahendusi ja majale vormi andvaid sisselõikeid peeti "kohati" headeks.
pidades silmas žürii poolt mainitud võõrapärasust, meenub üks viimase aja küllaltki kõmuline hoone hiinas, nimelt ningbo ajaloomuuseum. aga see selleks.
linnapoolne ots.
sadama kohalt.
asendiplaan. pane tähele liikluskorraldust ja kavandatud sissepääsu.
kliki! siin joonisel on kirjas projekti kandvad ideed. | click! this scheme explains the main ideas behind the project.
the core city hall is a block, enlivened by various cut-outs. it is covered in hundreds of windows – a more sustainable solution than a vast glass façade. the blanket of the windows is almost like the main material of the building. the walls are made of natural stone and the green surfaces of the cut-outs are covered with a perforated metal material in front of a glass wall. the grid of the perforated material resembles the classic tallinn city tapestry. the roof and the balconies are clad with a natural forest-blanket that collects rain water for the building’s infrastructure.
parking space is under the city hall and is accessible by an underground tunnel starting from ahtri street. the city hall is beside one of the most heavily trafficked roads in tallinn but disconnects itself from the nervous road by leading the visitors and the passers-by into the buildings core – the forum – through a large gateway, cut into the mass of the building. the forum is covered with a glass roof and is a waiting/recreational space for the clients of the city hall. in the middle of the forum stands the info-booth, organizing the citizens in the building.
the office building is divided internally into blocks around the forum. all the blocks and public offices are connected by a gallery and have waiting rooms that project out of the forum facades, acting more like recreational and resting rooms than plain waiting pavilions. the balconies both on the outer and inner perimeter are green and can be used by the city officials to view the two parks near linnahall, the old town and the sea. the walls of the forum atrium are transparent, echoing the movement and action taking place inside the offices, poeticizing the every-day routine taking place in the city hall offices.
the green canyon – the main entrance hall – connects pedestrian traffic between the city, the old town and linnahall and the seaside parks. it is open 24/7 and symbolizes the open and warm feeling that the new city hall tries to convey to the citizens. all the main public functions are on the ground floor. the city government and the city council are inhabited on the top floor. rest of the building is for different offices.
on the south side of the city hall, there is a cafeteria on the top floor, remarked with a cut-out terrace. there is also a roof terrace - a leisure platform connecting the cafeteria with sunny open-air views to the old town and the sea. the parking area beside linnahall is made into a park, exploiting the oak trees on the plot. city hall elevates itself on the linnahall corner in order to connect the two parks – beside and in front of linnahall – into a continuous public space. the park in front of linnahall is the main square of the city hall. the new building closes the area into a nice active urban piazza.
in front of the city hall stands a row of trees. a long cut-out on the western side of the building gives way to pedestrian movement from the town to the sea-side promenade. the southern side is elevated to emphasize and make room for public transport, passing through behind the building. a cut-out on the side of kultuuritehas is a terrace from the restaurant and is also the way to the common parking space under the city hall. the two underground floors house parking and archives.
the core city hall makes the visit to the city government officials a friendly and pleasant experience by presenting the public with an open forum that everyone can use. the house is built around the people, underlying the fact that the city government and council serving the citizens.
parking space is under the city hall and is accessible by an underground tunnel starting from ahtri street. the city hall is beside one of the most heavily trafficked roads in tallinn but disconnects itself from the nervous road by leading the visitors and the passers-by into the buildings core – the forum – through a large gateway, cut into the mass of the building. the forum is covered with a glass roof and is a waiting/recreational space for the clients of the city hall. in the middle of the forum stands the info-booth, organizing the citizens in the building.
peasissepääs | main entrance
the office building is divided internally into blocks around the forum. all the blocks and public offices are connected by a gallery and have waiting rooms that project out of the forum facades, acting more like recreational and resting rooms than plain waiting pavilions. the balconies both on the outer and inner perimeter are green and can be used by the city officials to view the two parks near linnahall, the old town and the sea. the walls of the forum atrium are transparent, echoing the movement and action taking place inside the offices, poeticizing the every-day routine taking place in the city hall offices.
the green canyon – the main entrance hall – connects pedestrian traffic between the city, the old town and linnahall and the seaside parks. it is open 24/7 and symbolizes the open and warm feeling that the new city hall tries to convey to the citizens. all the main public functions are on the ground floor. the city government and the city council are inhabited on the top floor. rest of the building is for different offices.
on the south side of the city hall, there is a cafeteria on the top floor, remarked with a cut-out terrace. there is also a roof terrace - a leisure platform connecting the cafeteria with sunny open-air views to the old town and the sea. the parking area beside linnahall is made into a park, exploiting the oak trees on the plot. city hall elevates itself on the linnahall corner in order to connect the two parks – beside and in front of linnahall – into a continuous public space. the park in front of linnahall is the main square of the city hall. the new building closes the area into a nice active urban piazza.
in front of the city hall stands a row of trees. a long cut-out on the western side of the building gives way to pedestrian movement from the town to the sea-side promenade. the southern side is elevated to emphasize and make room for public transport, passing through behind the building. a cut-out on the side of kultuuritehas is a terrace from the restaurant and is also the way to the common parking space under the city hall. the two underground floors house parking and archives.
the core city hall makes the visit to the city government officials a friendly and pleasant experience by presenting the public with an open forum that everyone can use. the house is built around the people, underlying the fact that the city government and council serving the citizens.
6 kommentaari:
kui keegi teab, mis asi on seletuskirjas mainitud "classic tallinn city tapestry", võiks oma teadmist jagada.
ja kas kuskil seadustes on üldse kirjas, kui palju töid võib üks loominguline grupp konkursile esitada?
See on suhteliselt keskpärane ajakirjaarhitektuur (meediaarhitektuur), mille eesmärk on olla visuaalselt efektne, kuid millel puudub läbitunnetatud side nii ümbritseva linnakeskkonna kui kultuurikontekstiga. Mingis mõttes on Kadariku ja Tüüri projekt sarnane linnahalliga - mõlemis hoones on teatavat brutaalsust ja maskuliinset jõudu. Samas nende omavaheline side oli võistlustöös nõrgalt lahendatud. Ka 3+1 auhinnatud projekt mõjus jõuliselt, kuid konkreetne vorm, selge ruumikontseptsioon, side ümbritseva linnaruumiga ning kaalutletult abstraktne, arhailise vormi abil tekitatud kultuuriline ja ajalooline sidusus, jätsid Kosmose tööga võrreldes oluliselt läbitöötatuma mulje.
Mulle üldiselt meeldib arhitektuur, mis ei tähtsusta ühiskondlike väärtuste (vähem või rohkem illustratiivset) representeerimist, kuid antud juhul oleks pidanud hoone ühiskondlik-kultuurilist sümbolväärtust (vähemalt mingilgi määral) arvesse võtma. Kadariku ja Tüüri projekti puhul ei näe ma kandvat ruumilist ideed, mis oleks läbi töötatud representatiivset tähtsust silmas pidades.
Brasiillastel võiks selline linnavalitsus olla (+kümme jalgpalliväljakut katusel ja sambakoridor läbi hoone). Pigem on tegu harjutusprojektiga. Ma oleks selle poole pealt katki jätnud.
ma näiteks mõtlesin, et selline maja võiks hästi sobida indiasse, nt chandigarhi sarnaste (corbu ja teiste) robustade sekka :)
väikesed aknad ka, ei kuumene üle. ja palju päikesevarje tänavatasandil.
aga ming inglise keeles?
natuke vormitu minuarust
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