070: eka konkursil auhinnatud töö jaapanist

seen below is the competition entry by french-born but tokyo-based architect françois blanciak for a new building for the estonian academy of arts in tallinn. named «sashimi», blanciak's work received purchase prize and was applauded by the jury (which most notably included david zahle from big and roger riewe from riegler riewe) for its bold approach and ability to perfectly create an exciting building in the recommended envelope, which proved to be a great challenge for most participants. the stumbling block of «sashimi» was its quality of plans and sections. the competition was eventually won by danish offices effekt and sea for their joint entry «art_plaza». more info about the competition: here.

- a special thanks to mr blanciak for the materials!

nb2! -
all images are © françois blanciak architect

tokyos resideeruv, kuid prantsuse päritolu arhitekt françois blanciak on viimasel ajal pälvinud internetiavarustes päris kuhjaga tähelepanu. tema projektid on kõike muud kui konventsionaalsed ning köidavad tähelepanu oma jultunud ja kohati absurdsuseni pööraste vormidega. heaks näiteks on siinkohal projekt taipeisse, kuid ka üks teine dubaisse. kusjuures blanciak on koostanud teemakohase ja päris eduka raamatu, prestiižika mit pressi alt välja antud "siteless - 1001 building forms".

ka tema üks seni edukaim projekt, nimelt just eka uue maja konkursitöö, mille eest ta pälvis 96 osalejaga mõõduvõtmisel eripreemia, üllatab esmapilgul oma kummastava vormiga. seda enam on siinkohal mainimist väärt, et blanciak jäi konkursitingimustes soovitatud mahtu ja suutis isegi sellistes piiratud tingimustes luua igati tähelepanuväärse teose. žürii hinnangul jäid ülejäänud soovitatud mahtu kasutanud tööd kammitsetuiks ja vormi piiritletuse poolt piinatuiks, seevastu blanciaki töö, märksõnaga «sashimi», suutis end pingutamata nõuetest vabaks murda ning need täiuslikult täita. žürii kiitis ka autori "võimast vormitaju ja stiili", komistuskiviks osutus aga projekti plaanide ja lõigete ebapiisav tase.

blanciaki tulevastel tegemistel tasub igal juhul silm peal hoida, küllap on temalt veel nii mõndagi põnevat tulemas.

ma projekti seletuskirja tõlkima ei hakka, kuivõrd eeldan, et a) enamik siia sattunuist vahib vaid pilte ja muust väga ei huvitu, ja b) keda tekst tõesti huvitabki, suudab ka ingliskeelsest versioonist terad üles leida.

project description:

in order to maximize the use of natural light within the given site, the project proposes to organize the different components of the estonian academy of arts within a line that follows the boundaries of the buildable volume. the continuity of its flow is interrupted by a series of cuts (recalling sashimi, or the art of slicing raw fish), which at once distinguish clearly the various programmatic elements of the project, and allow the sunlight to reach the underground levels, where most workshops are located.

the linear organization of the building creates a wide interior street within the site, where large art exhibitions can be open to the public, and where generous lightshaft windows following the cuts of the overall shape can transmit light to the underground. the multiple cuts into the continuum of the academy also create a variety of accesses to the different schools.

the main entrance faces laikmaa street along the west side of the site, which also directly opens toward the inner exhibition courtyard, and leads to the welcoming functions of shop and cafeteria.

at the beginning of the project line is the faculty of fine arts, so that its roof terrace can be reserved for student work exhibition. then follows the general rooms, which form an arch in the eastern part of the site, in order for both northern and southern parts of the academy to be able to share its resources equally. this location for the general rooms also ensures that the first phase of construction of the academy contains the basic necessary common and administrative functions.

access to the underground car park is made possible by the curvy inclination of the general rooms part geometry, which also allows vehicles to access the neighboring yard of kivisilla street. along the doted circuit that is formed by the building, the second main entrance for the public is located at the north-east corner of the site, along gonsiori street, and gives direct access to the open academy. in addition, this entrance lobby contains an elevator core that includes the cargo elevator, which can directly connect the public to the top level that accomodates the assembly hall and the black box. a third main entrance is situated along this same façade, at the corner of gonsiori and laikmaa streets, and gives public access to the gallery, as well as student and faculty access to the faculty of design.

turning around the inner exhibition courtyard, the doted programmatic circuit ends with the two remaining faculties of architecture and art culture, which hover above the main entrance of the complex along laikmaa street, thus forming a sheltering canopy. the interstices created by the various cuts along the building are occupied by in-between spaces of inferior caliber than that of the programmatic elements, and provide the academy with a multitude of pocket gallery spaces for students to showcase their work.

the overall design of the academy is kept intentionally essentially mineral, with a skin made of double-layered partly transluscent glass and a courtyard free of trees, in order to answer the issue of sustainability not by saturating the design with greenery but by optimizing the penetration of natural light into the building complex.

see more of blanciak's work at archdaily: here.

and last but not least, current situation of the academy's plot. the old building will be demolished.

foto: jk

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