082: eka uue maja autorid raekoja kallal

summary: the cooperation between two young danish practices sea and effekt proved to be highly successful with their much-praised winning design for the new building of the estonian academy of arts. while developing the project (which will enter construction phase in 2010) the teams are simultaneously actively participating in international competitions in estonia and other countries as well. below is one of their recent competition entries, the subject being the new town hall of tallinn.

the building would have created an iconic, 65 meters tall landmark in the skyline of tallinn. similarly to the eaa, the town hall is pushed into heights, a concept which in this case did not bring much success. the jury thought the building to be too tall and out of scale, furthermore, the pyramid-shape was considered functionally and logistically too complicated. full description will follow after a short intro in estonian.

eka uue maja autorid - taani noored arhitektid büroodest sea ja effekt - on pärast võidukat eka konkurssi end eestiga üha enam sidunud ning võtnud osa ka raekoja ning pärdi kontserdimaja konkurssidest. suuremat edu nad küll saavutanud pole, kuid vähemalt on töödega pakutud päris põnevaid lahendusi, mistõttu saavad need siingi esitletud.

taanlaste nägemus tallinna uuest raekojast lähtub soovist luua ikooniline maamärk, mis saavutatakse sarnaselt eka-ga vägagi riskantselt kõrgusse pürgides. hoone vorm lähtub lihtsast horisontaalse mahuga kastist, millest tuletatud kaks torni - «twin peaks» - raamivad vaateid linnahallilt vanalinnale ja vastupidi ning moodustavad nende vahele puutepunktid maapinnaga, läbi mille hoone mastaapsus oluliselt väheneb. jääb küll selgusetuks, kas hoone saanuks siis ronitavaks või mitte.

žürii raportis ei leidu projekti kohta ühtegi head sõna. kavandatud hoone oli otsustajate hinnangul mõõtkavast väljas ja liiga kõrge (65 meetrit! - see on meetri võrra kõrgem kui raekoda vanalinnas), püramiidjat vormi peeti sellise paljukorruselise hoone puhul funktsionaalselt ja logistiliselt liialt komplitseerituks, lisaks poldud rahul fassaadiga, mis vaid teeskleb olevat kandev - kusjuures vastupidiselt autorite eka projektiga. kriitikat sai ka ulatuslik klaasfassaadide kasutamine, mis on säästlikkust taotlevale hoonele sobimatu. mäletatavasti kummitas (või kummitab siiani?) sama probleem ka eka-t.

probleemidele vaatamata on tegemist ülimalt efektse tööga, mis - kui vaadata vaid vormi - oleks tallinna siluetile palju juurde andnud. unesco virina saatel, muidugi.


the historical town hall

the original town hall building located in the heart of tallinn has an impressive history of over 700 years of architectural changes and improvements. originally it was a low rise building slowly growing in size and appearance over the centuries. the tower was added in the 17th century strengthening the iconic appearance of the building in the growing cityscape. thereby the typology changed into a building that does two equally important things. it has a body which relates to the streets and urban spaces and at the same time the tower rises to become an urban landmark that can be seen from the rest of the city.

a new landmark

we propose to create a new town hall that combines these qualities in an integrated design. the new building combines the need for viable urban spaces as well as iconic qualities branding the city. it will be an important landmark that both represent the power structure and act as a guiding icon in tallinn’s new cityscape. it’s both rational and humanistic at the same time. it combines the need for a sustainable and energy efficient building with the need for a sculptural landmark with beautiful experiences.

the twin peaks

the shape of the twin peaks is created by a simple gesture. two corners are lifted into towers and two corners touch the ground. it creates a unique triangulated building that offers a variety of experiences depending on where you see it from. the shape gives experiences in both micro and macro scale. on one hand the building becomes an iconic landmark that can be identified from afar in the skyline and along the coastline. at the same time it also slopes down to the ground connecting to the surrounding urban spaces in a dialogue with the context and human scale.

a sustainable building

the new town hall positioned outside the old city centre is a cornerstone in the transformation of the harbour front. at the same time in close dialogue with the cityscape and the landscape. the scale of the site, context and programme gives the possibility of a larger, compact and sustainable building. a building that is easily accessible by car, public transportation or by foot from the old city centre. we propose a compact building typology opened by large atriums providing energy efficiency as well as good daylight conditions and indoor climate.

sustainable design

integrated design

a sustainable and healthy building with a minimum of the energy consumption and co² emissions can be achieved through an integrated design process. the integrated design process includes multidisciplinary collaboration and workshops with participation of key stakeholders, design professionals and the users. in the design process evaluation of design variables are investigated with regard to architecture, functionality, and environmental issues such as resources, indoor climate and energy consumption.

energy optimization

when it comes to energy issues, the close relation between the thermal and visual comfort, indoor air quality and the energy required for operating the building is the key to a successful design, where sustainability is embedded in the design. the indoor climate also has direct impact on the quality of life, comfort, health and well being of the occupants of a building. the building has been designed with focus on reducing the energy demand for heating, lighting and ventilation by a compact building design, usage of passive solar gains, daylight and efficient technologies. furthermore it is possible to implement energy producing components such of solar cells or hot water solar collectors.

interior layout.

esimene korrus | entrance level

neljas korrus | 3rd level

kuues korrus | 5th level

façade engineering

the building envelope and transparent areas are designed and engineered in order to create a well insulated and air tight boundary to the surrounding climate. the façade scheme, where glazed and blinded areas can be randomly placed in between the overall façade grid, allows enhanced modelling of the façade properties in order to create the optimal balance between daylight utilization, the prevention of overheating by solar irradiation, and insulation. hence it is possible to optimise the façade properties in accordance to the orientation and the demand, expatiations and usage of the different rooms behind the façade.

west façade.

east façade.

north façade.

dailight utilization and artificial lighting

the façades are modelled in order to create high daylight utilization and distribution of daylight to the deeper parts of the building. in connection with the use of an effective daylight controlled artificial lightning system this will effectively reduce the significant energy consumption for electrical lighting.

climate regulation

high thermal mass and effective climate regulations systems and strategies reduce energy consumption and at the same time insures a good indoor climate. ventilation and climate regulation are performed by system specifically designed to the different parts of the building. atriums and large areas are ventilated by natural ventilation. during summer where solar irradiation and rising temperatures demands ventilation, natural ventilation insures an effective ventilation with a minimum of electrical energy consumption. in office areas and other heavily populated areas mechanical ventilation with an effective heat recovery creates a good thermal and atmospherics environment without creating a large energy demand heating of supply air.

081: tallinna uue raekoja konkursitöö

summary: an entry in the 2009 competition for the new town hall of tallinn, done by the austrian / portuguese practice zinterl architekten. titled «green verve», the project was considered to be of great professional quality and functionally well thought through, although visually resembling too much to a sports facility. the jury also made comments on its lavish use of open space, which is ironically one of the main ideas and best feats in this project. full description to follow after an intro in estonian.

p.s. - a big thanks to antonio catita soeiro for the materials!


eesti väikeses arhitektuurimaailmas toimub harva rahvusvahelisi konkursse, mis meelitavad kohalikega mõõtu võtma terve plejaadi välisarhitekte. selliste konkursside toimumise korral on need väljakad küll suures osas sellised, kes end veel kehtestanud pole ning seda tõenäoliselt ka kunagi ei tee (vt nt rakvere pauluse konkurss), kohati saabub aga võistlema erialaringkondades küllaltki tuntud tegijaid, teinekord ka päris korralike portfooliote ning kogemustepagasiga meie mõistes suurkorporatsioone erinevatest riikidest. ühe sellisena võttis tallinna uue raekoja konkursist osa austria päritolu ning ka portugalis tegev suurbüroo zinterl architekten.

žürii raporti kohaselt on töö nimega «green verve» näol tegemist professionaalse, läbitöötatud ja äärmiselt funktsionaalse plaanilahendusega projektiga. paraku meenutavat see liialt mõnda spordirajatist, olles linna poole väga suletud fassaadiga. peab tunnistama, et võrreldes nt võidutööga puudub siin raekojale paslik sümbolväärtus. lisaks pakkusid töö autorid kasuliku pinna kõrval liiga palju avatud ruumi, mis tegelikult on ju projekti üks kandvaid ideid ning mis realiseerununa oleks hoonesse kindlasti väga mõnusa ja parajalt efektsegi atmosfääri loonud. kui pisut võõristav vorm välja arvata, on tegemist päris sümpaatse projektiga, seda eelkõige oma "maja majas" kontsepti poolest.

seletuskiri tuleb inglises, nii et kui kedagi peaks lähemalt huvitama, närigu läbi.


_reactivate a remote plot as starting point for the further urban development.
_improvement of the relationships between city-center and waterfront.
_expansion of the ensemble of the tallinn city hall and the cultural couldron with a landmark.
_consideration of the culteral heritage surroundings.
_construction of an unique common building for the different administration-facilities.
_enhancement of functional processes and increase of energy-efficiency.


_creation of an emblematic building for the city administration.
_new arrangement of the urban context, e.g. public squares and roads and path network.
_formal integration into the surroundings with simultaneous retention of an autonomous identification.

_establishment of an independent architectural object spatially integrated in the environment.
_preservation of urban prospects due limitation of building height.
_establishment of an open and transparent building with simultaneously high weather protection.
_integration of technical and functional courses in a individual big form.


development of the urban construction of tallinn has always been very closely related to the development of sea and ports. thus the new government building also orientates itself towards the nearby green waterfront. in the interplay with the special situation the architectural proposal results from the innovative formation at the interface between city and the open space. the exceptional form is however not only pure attraction, it makes also a highly economic utilization possible.

the idea comes from the nature and describes a curved landscape. being more a sculptural object than a building, it takes regard to the monumentality of the city hall and the proximity to the industrial cultural cauldron. the dynamic shape mediates protection and security. it takes consequently the formal elements of the city hall, but interprets them in a current manner.

the building is conceived as house in a house. a massive comb-shaped part ist covered by a lightweight roof. the glazed sides offer a great view on the cultural heritage on both sides. together with the new administration building of the tallink company and the stairways of the city hall a new urban place is created.

beneath the great roof are nine trapeze-shaped winter-gardens. their function is to create a buffer zone between the inner building and the outside-area. they also widen the outside moreover optically and let the exterior run into the building. these partially green areas can be differently treated concerning their atmosphere and themes. the distinction of these interior spaces offer orientation and identification for employees and visitors. between the two façade-layers a clima-buffer with sound-protection skills is formed. it allows to aerate the offices and reduce the heating costs consequently.

in the yards disturbing influences like rain, wind, noise and emissions are eliminated so that horizontal sun-protection also becomes possible outside in a high-rise building. moreover, the building can probably be operated without use of technical air-conditioning.

ten trapeze-shaped office-fingers that touch the outside skin of the building come from the communication-spine in the middle. five stair-cores, each for two sections, lie directly at the main-axis, provide short ways and good attainability of each individual area. two staircases drive into the most uppermost levels with decrease inferior public-traffic. the curved form of the roof, that formally appears separately from the structure under it, creates big green terraces, that serve for communication and recreation.


the wintergardens serve as main-entrances to the new administration-building. the lobbies are forming enlivened and green "display windows", that are not only perceived as attractive eye-catchers at day and night, but are also agreeable atmospheres for the employees in the house.
the four yards facing east are intended for the public audience. the west situated, smaller yards are the accesses for the employees and the separated entrances of public related departments. also the above ground parking, the delivery, the entrance for the parking-garage and the drive-up are here.

the public area on the ground floor can be opened on demand into a big interrelated multi-functional space, for example for bigger events or exhibitions. the city-archive which is at the end of the communication-spine has also an independent access northwards.

further archive-areas are in the basement and can be reached directly by three staircases from the departments in the upper floors. in the south the parking-garage stretches partially under the new city square. an area for technical equipement is situated centrally and distributes installations over one lengthwise proceeding technology-spine. the first floor is completely intended for the city office. in the northern part, an event-area and study-zones are connected by a great void with the city-archives under it.

basement floor.

ground floor.

in the further upper floors the different departments are accommodated without losing their individual autonomy. the organisation in the comb-structure allows in ideal manner to offer different office-structures, from the singles-office as far as to the open-plan office. consequently a flexible division and sustainable utilization is guaranteed. the width of the house makes it possible to order archives or printer-areas in the inner communication-zones as well as kitchenettes and meeting points. the huge open spaces with freestanding furniture create a generous work-atmosphere.

the green terraces at the ends of the corridor serve as additional communication-zones as well as locations for events and recreation. all these aspects follow the claim to create a modern building, offering space for the communication between the citizens of tallinn and their officials.

1st floor.

2nd floor.

3rd floor.

4th floor.

5th floor.

6th floor.

technological concept:

an effective sun-protection outside the office-spaces prevents the penetration of unintentional heat in the summer. the undisguised concrete-ceilings provide storage capacity for heating and refrigeration, a balance of the inner climate. conventional radiators should be mainly avoided. aim in the course of the planning was to take advantage of the geometry of the building with utilization of regenerative energies and to minimize energy demands and their required technology.

beside the energetic advantages, the winter gardens offer a high quality of abidance giving space for special events like exhibitions and parties. the ten huge green-areas and the terraces provide a harmonic balance between the working world and the nature. working places got the experience of the nature from each desk, so that the highest claims for a modern working-world are fulfilled.

principal structures:

the clear formal attitude of the building is seen in the inside, and above all, in its constructive structure. the building consists essentially of two elements. the structure of the office-comb is produced with reinforced concrete: flat-slabs lie on ferro-concrete supports with constant grid and an economic span. the pillars lead into the basement without displacement. the staircases are also a structural element. the construction-system is conclusively and without constructive peculiarities from below to the top. the separation of construction and facade allows prefabrication of the facade-elements already during the preparation of the structural work.

the structure of the roof is produced with an gluelam-trusses framework that can partially be produced in prefabrication. it is supported by v-shaped steel-bearings along the outside-façades. loads are derived additionally in the interior by steel-concrete supports extending to upward.

the glass shield cladding the great space is proposed as windtight transparent glazed skin with double thermal insulating glass. the façade construction elements consist of adjustable flat stainless steel posts, adapting to the building geometry. the glazing joints are designed as compact inside glass fixings systems in order to provide a fair-faced and smooth façade surface. these few construction elements, stainless steel posts, stainless steel glass connections to the sub-structure, steel bracket connections to the gallery, represent a highly evaluated low-tech façade construction, efficiently and precisely answering the geometrical and technical requirements.

economical considerations:

the compact design and the prefabricated
façade-elements provide creatively and functionally an efficient preparation of the building. the minimization of the simple corridors in the combs save space in favor of the greater communication-mall, that serves as main entrance. leaving the public areas in the ground floor avoid huge lobbys in the upper floors. fire protection-sections are easy to realize. optional office-areas are attainable in short way.

finishing materials:

the roof consists of several materials. in the southern area, it is spoiled with sheet metal-plates and in the upper area, photovoltaics and solar-collectors are installed. in the flat area in the northern part a green roof is intended. the longitudinal-façades are conceived as heat-absorbing double-glazing. for the interior-façades are intended horizontal glass-sheets with single-glazing. they stay on a steel-concrete-parapet and can be opened manually for natural ventilation.

the grounds in strongly frequented areas are executed in flagstones, the office-areas get a resistant and sound-absorbing carpet flooring. the slabs, so far they used for thermal concrete core activation, keeps the concrete-character, the other ceilings and walls gets a finery-layer as well as paint. sound-protection is regulated individually on demand with sound-protection-sails. doors are executed in wood, office-dividers get a clearstory at ceiling-height.

environmental sustainability and building efficiency:

because the dimension of the competition-scope merely the essential parameters with influence to operational costs are listed as follws. beside all technical parameters it is essentially necessary that people feel cozy in all parts of the building.

the load on the environment is mainly influenced by how much energy a building requires. here, attention to early coordination of the façade, individual parts of the building, thermal qualities of the building and the cooling and heating systems is important, particularly:
─optimum of heat insulation and sun-shading.

─reducing solar loads by optimizing the use of daylight
─use of solid building materials (storage mass)
─night-time cooling in summer for example with thermal concrete core activation (systems of water pipes in concrete ceilings)
─use of buffer zones.

080: kollane kortermaja karlovas

summary: this apartment building in tartu is located in an environment with many different spatial strata. the shape of the building is affected by a restricted detailed plan, drafted to the plot years ago, and a large water collector diagonally dissecting the plot and thus, the house. conforming to these restrictions, the building meanders on the plot, softly reaching towards ground on the ends. characteristically to backyard buildings, it does not have a distinctive main façade. according to the relief of the plot, there are multi-level apartments with higher living rooms; all apartments feature a balcony or terrace. designed by salto architects: maarja kask, karli luik, ralf lõoke & kristiina arusoo.


tartu on saltokatele alati hea linn olnud. tudengilinnas on koha leidnud, võiks vist öelda, et enamik nende suuremamõõtmelistest valmishoonetest, ning loodetavasti on tulemas ka lisa, seda nii olnud kui tulevaste konkursivõitude ja tellimuste realiseerimise näol. siinne töö on 2007 valminud elumaja karlovas, autoriteks maarja kask, karli luik, ralf lõoke ja kristiina arusoo.

foto: kaido haagen via archdaily.com

sõna arhitektidel:

aleksandri tänava korterelamu asub piirkonnas, kus on väga erinevaid ruumilisi kihistusi. oma lahenduse ja koloriidiga püüab ta pigem tekitada uue lisakihistuse kui sulanduda olemasolevatega. korterelamu kuju on tingitud aastatevanusest väga piiratud planeeringust ning suuremõõtmelisest veekollektorist, mis läbib diagonaalis krunti, jagades maja kaheks. asukoht teiste kruntide vahel toetab ka hoovimajale iseloomulikku peafassaadi puudumist.

foto: kaido haagen via archdaily.com

maja koosneb kahest plokist, millest suuremas asub 16 ja väiksemas 3 korterit. korterid on 2- kuni 4-toalised. kolmekorruselise hoone esimesele korruselisele on paigutatud ka tehnilised ruumid ja 19 panipaika; autokohti on 20.


kõik korterid on avatud köögiga, nagu moes, lisaks on osa korteritest mitmetasandilised, kõrgemate elutubadega, lähtuvalt krundi pinnareljeefist. igal korteril on rõdu või suur terrass. esimese korruse terrassid näivad küll olevat kergelt küsitava väärtusega, kuid noh... vähemalt on, kus grillida. eriti õnnetukesed on esimese korruse aleksandri tn poolsed kaks korterit - nii aknad kui terrass vaatavad neil vaid varahommikusse...

esimene korrus.

ja teine korrus. kolmanda korruse plaani pole.


pisut detaile ka. fotode autorit ma ei tea.

foto: via archdaily.com

foto: via archdaily.com

foto: via archdaily.com

foto: kaido haagen via archdaily.com

ja paar küllaltki kehva ilma ja valgusega tehtud lisafotot, mis annavad aimu ümbritsevast. suur arhitekt martin siin oma hinnangut andmas...

foto: jk

foto: jk

foto: reio avaste via archdaily.com

foto: jk

kui karin paulus küsis tõnis kimmelilt, mida ta nähtud majast arvab, siis tõnis vastas nii:

- Ebakonventsionaalse kujuga fassaadid. Veidi on tunda 60ndate–70ndate abstraktse postmoderna vaimu... nagu Tartu Arhitekti tänaval.... Siin on midagi avangardset Tartu jaoks.

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