138: airBaltic City projekt

Summary: Competition entry for the new airBaltic terminal in Riga airport, conceived by ÖÖ-ÖÖ architects Lembit-Kaur Stöör & Ülo-Tarmo Stöör with Kalle Komissarov. The Stöör brothers are also behind the Estonian embassy project in Riga. More about the terminal below.


Juba 2010 lõpus päädima pidanud Riia lennujaama uue airBaltic terminali konkurss pole minu arusaamist mööda tegelikult siiamaani ametlikult lõppenud - võitjat pole tänaseni välja kuulutatud. Vaatamata riigi toetusele hiigelkahjumit tootma hakanud firmal pole järelikult jagunud aega või mahti sellise marginaaliaga tegelemiseks. Uue terminali konkurss oli igatahes küllaltki suurejooneline: kandideerima esitati 125 projekti 70st riigist. Vähemalt üks neist saabus naabrite pealinna ka Eestist - töö autoriteks siin juba ühe Riia-projektiga esindatud Lembit-Kaur ja Ülo-Tarmo Stöör koos Kalle Komissaroviga.

Kaur rääkis projekti kohta nõnda: "Meil oli selline linna idee, et kui lennujaamas on kõvasti passimist, siis võiks seda rikastada rohkemate funktsioonidega, kui lihtsalt kaubandus (prognoos või statistika Riias oli nii, et suurem osa passib 4h ja järgmine suurem grupp 7h). Ise arvan, et oleks pidanud rohkem panema rõhku värvilistele piltidele (ajapuudusest tingituna jäi sisemaailma kajastamine kasinaks), aga projekti ideega jäin ise rahule. Seda konkut oli mõnus teha, sest sai ka lennujaamadest rohkem teada. Olen neis küll palju viibinud, aga mitte teadlikult analüüsinud."

Tutvugem tööga:

airBaltic Passenger Terminal Architectural Ideas Contest


The new airBaltic Passenger Terminal at Riga Airport will be the gateway to Latvia and the city of Riga, a place of arriving and departing. It must be important that public buildings where a large number of people find their way in an environment that makes the complexities of modern travel easy to understand, with invisible, but highly functional back-up systems, provide a service to the highest international standards. Airport is the gateway to our global open world that should be enjoyed and celebrated as great public space, a peoples place.

Unique Identity + Iconic design

Our aim has been to capture the unique potential of Riga airport and to reflect its character in the design to create an iconic architectural statement. We have taken the image of a new city as the main design focus, to give the terminal a clear and iconic form. Approaching the terminal by plane one first sees the dynamic roof, which works as a 5th facade. It resembles a small dense European city, with high quality modern design outlook. In the dark the roof glows and illuminates the space between volumes. Approaching the terminal from landside, the visitor is welcomed by the iconic skyline of airBaltic City. The Departure and Arrivals kerb is lifted so that visitor can access directly to concourse level.

The space is covered by 10 a meter high roof, which creates an elegant first emotion. The main volume of the building and gate lounge wings are kept low and neutral so that the perimeter has a fully glazed facade oh clear high-performance glass. Airside space (lobby / retail and food area) is given the most attention by making it memorable through spatial and functional features. The flock of different volumes gives the space original identity. Commercial Facilities have been mixed with extra functions and themes, which help to memorize the terminal interior space and give it an intimate scale.

Urban Concept

The airBaltic City seeks to create an area of many different spatial environments that are unified into one. The new terminal is a small complete city in itself, giving an almost urban feel with the multitude of spatial and functional amenities. It gives a new dynamic dimension to airBaltic corporate identity.

Design principles

The new terminal design proposal meets airBaltic’s strategy for creating an efficient hub at the Riga International Airport. The new terminal provides for an efficient flow of passengers through the building and adequate processing facilities for each type of airBaltic passenger passing through the airport. Our aim has been to provide quick, simple and intuitive passenger flows for airBaltic in order to support the minimum connection time requirements needed to maintain its hub operation. The new terminal concept provides also an efficient flow of baggage through the building and adequate processing facilities. Our design proposal provides an efficient flow of private, taxi and public transport vehicles on the landside and adequate road access, also kerb and car park facilities for the origin / destination peak hour passenger vehicle movements. All additional restrictions in the competition brief have been taken into utmost consideration. Terminal and a pron layout can easily expanded in phases over time.

Key Functional Objectives
  • Convenient, safe and technically advanced
  • Flexibility in operation
  • First class design standards for all passengers
  • Optimized operational opportunities
  • Quick to build, value for money
  • Sustainable
  • Flexibility for future growth

The Building Section

For low cost, fast track construction and in consideration of the soil conditions no basements have been planned. The section of the terminal is optimized to both minimum and required clearances. From the ground level with an airside road clearance of 4.2 meters we established the principal concourse level at 5 meters and arrival corridor at 8 meters. Below the concourse level, space accommodates baggage systems, storage and service roads. Our design proposal provides a solution to accommodate modern baggage system that is efficient and effective. The height of the building takes into consideration the 30 meters height limit above ground level. The height of the terminal building including piers does not prevent a clear line of sight of the taxiway and runway surfaces from the existing Air Traffic Control Towers. The extending volumes that project itself through roof will suite spaces required for low energy displacement systems and smoke reservoirs. The load baring structure of terminal is designed in steel and concrete- main construction feature is the 10m grid from slender steel columns.

Technical data

Ground floor:
Baggage - 15084

Non-Schengen bus departure - 3000

Non-Schengen bus arrival - 1000

Schengen bus departure - 2100

First floor:

Schengen departure gate - 4500

Non-Schengen departure gate + outbound immigr. 6948

Non-Schengen security and immigr. arrival 2439

Non-Schengen baggage reclaim + customs 1313

Schengen baggage reclaim + customs 1313

airBaltic City = departure lounge 11500

Boardingbass and security 660

Departure and arrivals hall 2827

Landside commercial facilities 900

Airside/Landside technical rooms 420

Airline Offices + technical rooms 670

CT screening for out of gauge baggage and
baggage security screening 500
Check-in support 15

Check-in 85

Airline ticketing 30

Baggage service office 15

2nd floor:
Schengen arrival bridge 1450
Non-Schengen arrival bridge 1250

Office 1320

Landside commercial area 1320

Total gross area 60659

Building height: max 30m, piers 13m
Car parking: 1300 spaces in total, which consists of Short Stay (320)
and Long Stay (980)

1 kommentaar:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Ehk on liiga killustatud ja karikatuurne?
Sarnaselt Sanaa projektidele õhkub sellest terminalist paigalseisu ja kontemplatsiooni vm tunnet, mis sobiks ju ooteruumidele (ooteterminalile), aga äkki mitte lennujaamale?
Lennujaam on minu meelest seotud aja voolamisega, aga siinne peatab aja (seletuskirjas kordub tihti sõna "flow", kuid üldpildis tundub hoone tõkkerajana). On see hea? Tuleb see projektile kasuks? Ideaalses maailmas võibolla, reaalses mitte.

Muidu ajaveetmisfunktsiooni viimine üleskorrusele on ju hea mõte, kuid oleks ta rohkem seotud ja voolav, näiteks nagu vanalinna katustemaastik voolab. See oleks rohkem elav linn kui modernistlikud kastid. Arhitektid otsivad lennujaamadele ikka dünaamilist vormi, identiteeti. See on end tõestanud. Proovida võib ka muid suundi, ent siis on vaja geniaalset ideed.